Monday 4 April 2011

After the Party

            What trouble. Is it so hard to have a day without having it not go how I want? First it was dear Juliet, why doesn’t she see that she’s nearing the age to be wed? The opportunity at hand is a grand one; Paris is such a wonderful man, handsome, polite, a well-off family—none of those cursed, snobby Montagues— we’d be proud to call our in-laws. “It is an honor that I dream not of…” she said to me. It’s an honor she should be wishing for her whole life! To be young again, I’d accept a marriage to Paris in a heartbeat! Her mind’s set off, she wishes of other things of less importance. Paris would be good to her! Faster than I’d hope for, she’s becoming a woman, but her mind is still that of a young girl, just what is it that she wants if not honor in a good marriage? Perhaps that bloody Nurse has her thinking differently. By blood I am her mother, and that nurse acts like she has full charge of my girl. I am a busy woman, but I do my best. At least Juliet agreed to go to the party, but as it ended, something about her seemed off… I didn’t see her much with Paris, either. Did she see too much of whatever party drama happened last night with those Montagues coming there? What a night.


  1. Paris is a meat head, dude, dont let juliet go for him. Hes nothing but a... @$$. drop me a t-bomb and we can discusss this.

  2. Heeeeyy hot stuff. What was that thing you were wearing on your head at the party...? Nobody would have noticed your bald spot. :)
    Love yoouuuu.

  3. Oh, my Lady Capulet. It is such an honor to be given Juliet's hand. You flatter me so. ;D
    But you forgot how beautiful, sexy and and perfect I am. Just sayin'.

    Your daughter is beautiful, as are you (and me). I will definatley treat her right.

    (Call me)


  4. How dare you throw a party when we are in the middle of fighting and having Montague's at your party will just cause more fights.

  5. Peace be with you. I think you should consider talking to your daughter about marrige and maybe except that paris will have to wait for her. Besides, Juliet should be with someone less snotty to counter her natural Capulet nature.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  6. Shut up Paris! All you care about is yourself. Nobody thinks you are as great as you think you are. I would treat Juliet like a princess. And That's far better than what you would ever attempt to do. Lady Capulet, don't be fooled by Paris' demented charm.. it's a bunch of crap.

  7. Capulets rule! Paris had better marry my cousin because he comes from a good family. That shrimp head Romeo needs to keep his filthy, vermin hands off her!

  8. I don’t know which Paris thou talkst of. Nay, the only Paris I know is a gleeking beef-witted footlicker. And the Montagues are not snobs. We are simply proud that we weren’t born a Capulet.

  9. Husband.... we do not talk about my flaws here. Dunce.

    and Paris, it's just so hard to explain how perfect you are ;D (I wish I was single....)

    Montagues, we were hoping they'd not create a scene it was you who sparked them, and now they won't be allowed.

    Friar... I know what's best for my daughter. You don't her (I wonder if I know her either...)

  10. Excuse me Lady Capulet..

    I find it interesting that you are happy enough to critize myself, while I am the one who has raised Juliet in such a manner, whereas you could have devoted more effort to raising her yourself.

    Think before you criticize.

  11. Mother.

    I am astounded at your conceited ways. Do you ever think about anyone but your dear self? No. Of course not, because you are the one and only Lady Capulet. But when you offend my nurse, as well as myself, in a subject as touchy as your desiret o arrange a marriage to that snobby Parise doucheface, I must say Nay. You are so out of line, Mother.
