Tuesday 26 April 2011

Act IV - Interview

Interviewer: Hello Lady Capulet, how do you fare today?

Lady Capulet: Terrible. Don’t ask me that.

Interviewer: Um… okay. Well anyways, we should get started with the interview. Could you tell me what events are happening right now?

Lady Capulet: Well, these last days have been a blur of misfortunes, Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo killed Tybalt and got banished—thank heavens he’s out of Verona.

Interviewer: I assume Romeo won’t be missed among the Capulets. May Tybalt rest in peace, I’m sorry for your loss of your nephew.

Lady Capulet: Yes, he’ll be missed dearly. At least what he did was defend the Capulet honor as his last doing. Prince of Cats, you won’t be forgotten.

Interviewer: It truly is a tragedy. Speaking of tragedy, we’ve recently caught word of the death of Juliet, your daughter, and right before her wedding too! Oh, poor, poor Paris on losing his bride.

Lady Capulet: (cries) Oh, my daughter, I wish I would have known she was going to die just like that, I wish I could have stopped it. Whatever happened, she didn’t deserve death! What cruel joker would take her life? I want her back!

Interviewer: Please, keep it together, Lady Capulet, everything will be okay!

Lady Capulet: My only daughter is DEAD! DON’T tell me to calm down! She’s gone and there’s nothing I can do about it! I can cry till my death bed if I wanted to! Leave me alone!

Interviewer: Gah..! Don't hurt me! Alright! I'll leave!


  1. Jeez you need to calm down lady. At least Romeo was defending our family as he avenged poor Mercutio. When are you going to hold a funeral for that poor girl? And how may I ask?

  2. I honestly didn't think you were that ignorant. Hasn't it even crossed your mind that maybe Juliet wasn't murdered? Maybe she meant she wouldn't marry Paris when she said it. This was a suicide; so don't waste your time and bottomless money hiring a detective.

  3. Im sorry for the death of your daughter, but why would you force her to marry Paris?

  4. So much less whining in our house now that Juliets gone.

  5. Sure you can't change the outcome of your "daughter " Juliet's death, but you sure could have changed the time you had with her, you should have had more involvance in her life.......

  6. As I have said before, you missed many opportunities to bond with your daughter, and to advise her when necessary. I am sorry if that sounds cruel, but I beseech you to learn from this tragedy.

  7. These are my feelings! Go away, everybody! D':<
