Monday 11 April 2011

Act II

How boring, hardly anything has happened after the party, let alone I didn't have much fun myself there either. It's all for the younger people, for us it's just social events now. I've been hearing so many things too, about Juliet's mind straying to someone other than Paris. Even if that's not true, there is something going on, I can tell. Like last night, I heard the Nurse call Juliet over countless times, like she was occupied with someone else. Not to mention the huge lipstick smudge across her face as I went to say goodnight to her. I sent out the guards to patrol the yard but nobody was found. And then today, oh dear, neither Juliet or the Nurse are talking to me, Juliet's eyes always dazing off on other thoughts, and the Nurse just left for some errand she didn't explain to me. What secrets are they keeping from me? I don't like this... this is so unfair, my daughter should tell me what's on her mind and what she's up to. I know she's off somewhere, and it better not be with some 'mystery boy' like the rumors are telling me...

Why do I feel so left out and outside whatever situation is going on? I hate this...


  1. Oh my beautiful Lady, I would not fear about Juliet. Soon her and I shall be wed and you will no longer have to worry about her possibly being happy with some other guy...
    for I, Paris,


    PS: Can't wait for the wedding guuuurl!

  2. Lady Capulet, I am sorry that you did not enjoy yourself at the party, however I do not like when you throw around accusations of Juliet and I being sneaky. Maybe we are simply involved in something not related to you. I guarantee you everything I do is for the best.

  3. @ Paris - You're a suck up.
    Lady Capulet, I'm in love with Juliet. Not my parents nor Juliets parents can stop us.
    Love- Mystery dude...

  4. keep your daughter on a shorter leash, shes such a hussy. :0 how dare she steal my baby!

  5. You will be surprised shortly... :)
    heh heh hehhh

  6. Here's whats happening my dear lady Capulet: YOur daughter has fallen for a blasted Montague! Ya, that's right! She is in love with your enemy. You must put a stop to this! She is Getting married to Romeo MOntague! You cannot allow this!

  7. I can tell you that Juliet is doing fine. In fact she came by this afternoon to confess. I expect she is very excited about marrying Paris.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  8. I am worried our daughter is following the wrong path, lets lock her up for a while.

  9. Perhaps if you did what this nurse does you would know more about your daughter! Try to be a real mother for once!

  10. Mother, Father, don't worry! I am fine, honest. Tybalt, shut your mouth. I have done no such thing. However I don't want to marry Paris anyway, his head is too big for his shoulders, so even without a mystery boy, you can forget it Mother. Also, would it be so bad fo me to marry for love?
