Tuesday 19 April 2011


Well, this has been one dramatic day. To start things off, my poor nephew Tybalt died at the hands of that wretched Romeo in a duel. It had to be a fluke, that little worm couldn't possibly defeat him with his terrible Montague skills. It's really affected Juliet too, she spent the whole day grieving in her room. I should go see how she's doing, and I bet I should tell her about that splendid news of her marriage in three days~!


Juliet, what has gone wrong with her?! She's refusing Paris, oh how devastated he must be about her attitude! She just rambled on, she seemed open before the party about the thought, but somethings happened and now she's no interest in Paris whatsoever! On top of that, my dear husband is infuriated by this, threatening to disown his only daughter. Just where is this going, why can't Juliet just accept that Paris and her are meant to be and she shouldn't fuss over this? I won't say a word to her, I'd prefer not to disown her, I don't plan to have to pop another baby out. Her bad side came from my husband, probably. I've never been as bad as her.


  1. Hah! Juliet will never marry Paris because he is snotty just like you and your husband! Thats your problem; you don't know Juliet and your a terrible mother! Your life is a waste and everyone would be happier if it was you up there with Tybalt; not Mercutio.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  2. You seem to imply that the Capulets are inherently better at duelling than the Montagues. Perhaps what you should say that the Capulets are inherently dirtier duellers than that of the Montagues. I was murdered under the arm of Romeo by your dear Tybalt, or did you not know?

  3. Capulets are by far better fighters. The only reason Romeo killed me is because I was distracted...

    I'll start a chant:

  4. Romeo has more skills then Tybalt will ever have because he is dead, from Romeo's sword. ;)
