Monday 2 May 2011

Act V

Well, the worst has been placed out on the board, but maybe this was destined to happen, as the Prince said...
Well, to sum it all up, I was called up in the middle of the night after the funeral of poor Juliet. Walking out, the air just seemed wrong, and I had a terrible gut feeling. Everything just felt worse and worse as we were led to the graveyard, then we were told what happened. A person broke into our tombs, Paris was slain and laid in there, an emerged Juliet had a dagger in her chest while laying beside... Romeo. I've obviously been a fool, being kept in the dark the whole time of what was happening. We were all dumbfounded until Friar Lawrence showed up along with a messenger of Romeo, then the whole story was told. It all really makes sense now, to me. Her attitude after the party, her quietness to me and snaps when it came to Paris and marriage... I don't think I'll ever be able to look at the Friar again, let alone the Nurse. I understand, but I just wish I could've prevented this from happening, aside from the prince's words.
Well, woe is me. Nothing can be done now, so all us and the Montagues can do now is mourn, and put our differences aside. No more fighting.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Act IV - Interview

Interviewer: Hello Lady Capulet, how do you fare today?

Lady Capulet: Terrible. Don’t ask me that.

Interviewer: Um… okay. Well anyways, we should get started with the interview. Could you tell me what events are happening right now?

Lady Capulet: Well, these last days have been a blur of misfortunes, Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo killed Tybalt and got banished—thank heavens he’s out of Verona.

Interviewer: I assume Romeo won’t be missed among the Capulets. May Tybalt rest in peace, I’m sorry for your loss of your nephew.

Lady Capulet: Yes, he’ll be missed dearly. At least what he did was defend the Capulet honor as his last doing. Prince of Cats, you won’t be forgotten.

Interviewer: It truly is a tragedy. Speaking of tragedy, we’ve recently caught word of the death of Juliet, your daughter, and right before her wedding too! Oh, poor, poor Paris on losing his bride.

Lady Capulet: (cries) Oh, my daughter, I wish I would have known she was going to die just like that, I wish I could have stopped it. Whatever happened, she didn’t deserve death! What cruel joker would take her life? I want her back!

Interviewer: Please, keep it together, Lady Capulet, everything will be okay!

Lady Capulet: My only daughter is DEAD! DON’T tell me to calm down! She’s gone and there’s nothing I can do about it! I can cry till my death bed if I wanted to! Leave me alone!

Interviewer: Gah..! Don't hurt me! Alright! I'll leave!

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Well, this has been one dramatic day. To start things off, my poor nephew Tybalt died at the hands of that wretched Romeo in a duel. It had to be a fluke, that little worm couldn't possibly defeat him with his terrible Montague skills. It's really affected Juliet too, she spent the whole day grieving in her room. I should go see how she's doing, and I bet I should tell her about that splendid news of her marriage in three days~!


Juliet, what has gone wrong with her?! She's refusing Paris, oh how devastated he must be about her attitude! She just rambled on, she seemed open before the party about the thought, but somethings happened and now she's no interest in Paris whatsoever! On top of that, my dear husband is infuriated by this, threatening to disown his only daughter. Just where is this going, why can't Juliet just accept that Paris and her are meant to be and she shouldn't fuss over this? I won't say a word to her, I'd prefer not to disown her, I don't plan to have to pop another baby out. Her bad side came from my husband, probably. I've never been as bad as her.

Monday 11 April 2011

Act II

How boring, hardly anything has happened after the party, let alone I didn't have much fun myself there either. It's all for the younger people, for us it's just social events now. I've been hearing so many things too, about Juliet's mind straying to someone other than Paris. Even if that's not true, there is something going on, I can tell. Like last night, I heard the Nurse call Juliet over countless times, like she was occupied with someone else. Not to mention the huge lipstick smudge across her face as I went to say goodnight to her. I sent out the guards to patrol the yard but nobody was found. And then today, oh dear, neither Juliet or the Nurse are talking to me, Juliet's eyes always dazing off on other thoughts, and the Nurse just left for some errand she didn't explain to me. What secrets are they keeping from me? I don't like this... this is so unfair, my daughter should tell me what's on her mind and what she's up to. I know she's off somewhere, and it better not be with some 'mystery boy' like the rumors are telling me...

Why do I feel so left out and outside whatever situation is going on? I hate this...

Monday 4 April 2011

After the Party

            What trouble. Is it so hard to have a day without having it not go how I want? First it was dear Juliet, why doesn’t she see that she’s nearing the age to be wed? The opportunity at hand is a grand one; Paris is such a wonderful man, handsome, polite, a well-off family—none of those cursed, snobby Montagues— we’d be proud to call our in-laws. “It is an honor that I dream not of…” she said to me. It’s an honor she should be wishing for her whole life! To be young again, I’d accept a marriage to Paris in a heartbeat! Her mind’s set off, she wishes of other things of less importance. Paris would be good to her! Faster than I’d hope for, she’s becoming a woman, but her mind is still that of a young girl, just what is it that she wants if not honor in a good marriage? Perhaps that bloody Nurse has her thinking differently. By blood I am her mother, and that nurse acts like she has full charge of my girl. I am a busy woman, but I do my best. At least Juliet agreed to go to the party, but as it ended, something about her seemed off… I didn’t see her much with Paris, either. Did she see too much of whatever party drama happened last night with those Montagues coming there? What a night.