Monday 2 May 2011

Act V

Well, the worst has been placed out on the board, but maybe this was destined to happen, as the Prince said...
Well, to sum it all up, I was called up in the middle of the night after the funeral of poor Juliet. Walking out, the air just seemed wrong, and I had a terrible gut feeling. Everything just felt worse and worse as we were led to the graveyard, then we were told what happened. A person broke into our tombs, Paris was slain and laid in there, an emerged Juliet had a dagger in her chest while laying beside... Romeo. I've obviously been a fool, being kept in the dark the whole time of what was happening. We were all dumbfounded until Friar Lawrence showed up along with a messenger of Romeo, then the whole story was told. It all really makes sense now, to me. Her attitude after the party, her quietness to me and snaps when it came to Paris and marriage... I don't think I'll ever be able to look at the Friar again, let alone the Nurse. I understand, but I just wish I could've prevented this from happening, aside from the prince's words.
Well, woe is me. Nothing can be done now, so all us and the Montagues can do now is mourn, and put our differences aside. No more fighting.